Mike Heisler Mayor
217-256-3408 Ward 1
Tyler McLaughlin
217-430-8723 Truman Phillips
217-242-9480 Ward 2
Kim Nagel
217-256-3484 David Krum
319-795-7864 Ward 3
Alan Leffler
217-256-3515 Linda Schrader
Hancock County
Sheriff Department
217-357-2115 or 911 Warsaw City Hall
217-256-3214 Warsaw Public Utilities
The City Council Meeting is April 28, 2021 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Warsaw City Hall, 210 N 4th Street. Newly elected candidates will be sworn in at this meeting.
Food Pantry Needs
The St Paul’s Episcopal Church Food Pantry, 240 South 4th Street, is held the third Saturday of each month, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. For emergency requests, please call 217-575-0045. We deliver to those who are homebound or who cannot carry the food box.
The First Warsaw Presbyterian Church, 210 South 4th Street sponsors a Blessing Box located on the north side of the church by the steps. Please feel free to take what you need.
Spring is On the Way
Other News
The City of Warsaw Water Department is accepting debit/credit cards along with online water bill payments. A payment service fee is added by the Utility Bill Company pending the balance of your bill. Go to https://warsawillinois.azurewebsites.net/ to set up your account.
Utility bill payments can be made online at the web address above, through the payment drop box in front of City Hall, by mail or by phone using a credit/debit card.
WARSAW FIREWORKS are July 10, 2021 at the Warsaw Fairgrounds. Donations for the fireworks can be made at Hill-Dodge Bank or Warsaw City Hall! This event is put on by volunteers and donations!!
Warsaw Fairgrounds, Ralston Park and Geode Glen Park shelter houses are reserved at City Hall, 210 N 4th Street by calling 217-256-3214 in advance.
The Warsaw Riverfront Campground is now open. Reservations can be made at City Hall, 210 N 4th Street by calling 217-256-3214 in advance.
Thank you Hill-Dodge Bank and Warsaw VFW for sponsoring the Children’s Easter Egg Hunt on April 3rd!
City Hall welcomes Kelsey Weigand recently hired as Part-time Water Assistant!
The City of Warsaw has vacancies to fill for Alderman Ward 2 and the City Treasurer’s position. If you are interested in getting involved and helping your community contact City Hall at 217-256-3214.
Water Disconnect Ordinance
Discontinuance of service; reinstatement: If the rates or charges for such services are not paid within 60 days after rendition of the bill for services, services shall be discontinued without further notice and shall not be reinstated until all past due bills, including penalties and all other charges are paid in full.
Water Service shall be disconnected 60 days after the bill for such services have been sent or the utility bill balance exceeds $125.00. The City will dispatch a representative of the City to disconnect water and charge of $100 will be added to the balance owed.
If the City employee is dispatched to reconnect service after employee’s regular working hour, the Water Service will be charged a 4 hour overtime fee in accordance with the City employee’s current pay rate.
Customer water deposits are nonrefundable until the resident vacates the property and pays all charges in full.
Warsaw Fireworks
WARSAW FIREWORKS are July 10, 2021 at the Warsaw Fairgrounds Donations for the fireworks can be made at Hill-Dodge Bank or Warsaw City Hall! This event is put on by volunteers and donations!!
Items which will be collected are:
- Washers
- Dryers
- Stoves
- Water heaters (emptied)
- Dishwashers
- Metal-tin, copper, and aluminum
- Small pieces of lumber
- Furniture
- Lawn mowers
- Refrigerators (emptied and clean)
- Air conditioners
- Deep freezers (emptied and clean)
- Batteries
- Microwaves
- Vacuum cleaners
- Carpet
Items which CANNOT be collected are:
- TV’s
- Computers and printers
- Tires
- Liquids in cans including paint
- Barrels of ashes, etc.
- Regular garbage items such as: Garbage, etc.