City Newsletter for May, 2021

by | Apr 26, 2021 | City Newsletter


Mike Heisler Mayor
217-256-3408 Ward 1
Tyler McLaughlin
217-430-8723 Priscilla Blecha
217-505-1066 Ward 2
Kim Nagel
217-256-3484 Dawn Lawrence
217-242-7678 Ward 3
Alan Leffler
309-221-0117 Jeff Brookhart
Hancock County
Sheriff Department
217-357-2115 or 911 Warsaw City Hall
217-256-3214 Warsaw Public Utilities

The City Council Meeting is Wednesday, May 28, 2021 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Warsaw City Hall, 210 N 4th Street.

Consumer Confidence Water Report

The City of Warsaw has available, upon request, this year’s Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). The CCR report includes basic information on the sources of your drinking water, the levels of any contaminants that were detected in the water during 2020, and compliance with other drinking water rules, as well as some educational  materials. To obtain a free copy of the report, please call City Hall at 217-156-3214 or go to to review the report.

City-wide Yard Sales

City Wide Yard Sales in the city of Warsaw are scheduled for Friday, June 11th and Saturday, June 12th from 8am to 4pm. Registration for the garage sales is at Hill-Dodge Bank. The cost is $5 and we do the advertising. Maps will be available at local businesses.

City Park Rules and Regulations

Pets must be leashed with a current tag and under control of their handler at all times. All pet waster must be picked up and removed from the park and all public areas. Pet waster is prohibited in park trash receptacles. Do no climb on statues, tables of on top of playground equipment. To reserve a park or access restrooms, contact Warsaw City Hall, 210 N 4th Street, 217-256-3214.

Geode Glen Park Rules: Hunting, collection and possessing of geodes is prohibited by law. All wildlife is protected. Use caution when walking near the steep bluffs along the creek.

License and Permit Reminders

Dogs must have a valid 2021 tag. Tags are available at City Hal for a $5 fee.

ATV, UTV, and Golf Cart Licenses for 2021 are $40 and can be renewed at City Hall. Application for new licenses are available at City Hall – a valid drivers license and proof of insurance are required.

Building Permit applications are available at City Hall. There is a $10 permit fee.

Contact City Hall at 217-256-3214 with any questions.

Other News

The City of Warsaw Water Department is accepting debit/credit cards along with online water bill payments. A payment service fee is added by the Utility Bill Company pending the balance of your bill.  Go to to set up your account.

 Utility bill payments can be made online at the web address above, through the payment drop box in front of City Hall, by mail or by phone  using a credit/debit card.

WARSAW FIREWORKS are July 10, 2021 at the Warsaw Fairgrounds.   Donations  for the fireworks can be made at Hill-Dodge Bank or Warsaw City Hall!  This event is put on by volunteers and donations!!

Warsaw Fairgrounds, Ralston Park and Geode Glen Park shelter houses are reserved at City Hall, 210 N 4th Street by calling 217-256-3214 in advance.

The Warsaw Riverfront Campground is now open. Reservations can be made at City Hall, 210 N 4th Street by calling 217-256-3214 in advance.

Thank you Hill-Dodge Bank and Warsaw VFW for sponsoring the Children’s Easter Egg Hunt on April 3rd!

City Hall welcomes Kelsey Weigand recently hired as Part-time Water Assistant!

The City of Warsaw has vacancies to fill for Alderman Ward 2 and the City Treasurer’s position.  If you are interested in getting involved and helping your community contact City Hall at 217-256-3214.

Water Disconnect Ordinance

Discontinuance of service; reinstatement:  If the rates or charges for such services are not paid within 60 days after rendition of the bill for services, services shall be discontinued without further notice and shall not be reinstated until all past due bills, including penalties and all other charges are paid in full.

Water Service shall be disconnected 60 days after the bill for such services have been sent or the utility bill balance exceeds $125.00. The City will dispatch a representative of the City to disconnect water and charge of $100 will be added to the balance owed.

If the City employee is dispatched to reconnect service after employee’s regular working hour, the Water Service will be charged a 4 hour overtime fee in accordance with the City employee’s current pay rate.

Customer water deposits are nonrefundable until the resident vacates the property and pays all charges in full.

